Top tech turkeys of 2010 (photos)

A year of Apple, scandals, and bad ideas
A year of Apple, scandals, and bad ideas
There was that pretty good new smartphone with a pretty annoying problem. There was that (non-Apple) tablet computing device that should have stayed in the napkin doodle stage. There was an aggregation site that coulda been a contender--we herewith present CNET's not-quite-scientific list of top tech industry misfires, misfits, and misbehavior.
As we peruse our list, it occurs to us that Apple has utterly dominated tech news over the last year. From the launch of the iPad to the case of the purloined prototype iPhone to that annoying antenna problem and smoking the peace pipe with the Beatles, Apple has been top-of-mind for all of us. Mea culpa. For what it's worth, it gets on our nerves sometimes, too. To those tech companies that perhaps did not command as much attention we can only offer this advice for next year: Get into a scrap with Apple. We'll be all over it.

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